School Closed or is it?
Text @rhmsalert to 81010 or use the internet and sign up here!
Remind is reserved for our students/parents/guardians/employees and family associated with RHMS. It is not intended for the general public.
TN Public Schools
Parents shouldn’t have to spend hours searching for answers. Read more..
Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration
Pre-K Car Seat Check Event
Accepting International Exchange Students
Medicaid PHE
Helping Others
If you are interested in hosting an exchange student for one year, please contact Reggie Culpepper (principal) at 423-837-7282 EX. 108
The following are required for admission through this International Exchange program:
English speaking (TOEFL test)
Shot record (before starting classes)
passport - ID page
Transcripts - in English
Address of country in which they reside
Address of US host
Country of Birth / citizenship
Proof of financial ability to pay fees
Click Here or above image for details!
Remind is reserved for our students/parents/guardians/employees and family associated with RHMS. It is not intended for the general public.
Want to know what's going on? Join REMIND. Enter this number 81010 and text this message: @rhmsalert. It will connect you to Richard Hardy Memorial School. You can download the app if you want to. You can also use the internet and sign up here!

Click Here to buy a Yearbook or purchase an ad. School Id is 724774

Founded in 1926 on industrialist Richard Hardy’s passionate vision for education, the historic public school,
in the heart of the Richard City community, adheres to that ambitious idea today, preparing students
in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.
Frequent Inquiries (FAQ)
Public School Choice
National School of Merit
EBT Assistance
Child Tax Credit
This TN DOE program supports efforts to establish/expand intra-/inter-district, and open enrollment public school choice programs to provide parents with expanded education options.
TDOE Policy - Unsafe Schools Choice Policy (FAQ)
Congratulations to all the Betas and their sponsors!
If you are struggling to pay for your monthly internet service, the Federal Communications Commission's EBB program may be able to help. Visit the following site for information:
The Advance Child Tax Credit is not just available to taxpayers with children that file tax returns, but also to people with children who have low or no income. Which could help many children escape poverty in America.
To qualify for Advance Child Tax Credit payments, individuals must:
• Have a main home in the United States for more than half the year (the 50 states and the District of Columbia) or file a joint return with a spouse who has a main home in the United States for more than half the year; and
• Have a qualifying child who is under age 18 at the end of 2021 and who has a valid Social Security number; and
• If have earned income, made less than Modified Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of:
• $75,000 or less for singles,
• $112,500 or less for heads of household and
• $150,000 or less for married couples filing a joint return and qualified widows and widowers
Please see IRS Publication 5534D “Three Steps to Getting your Advance Payments” for more information and as an example of one of our many outreach resources.