Creed Motto Almamater

Creed, Motto, & Alma Mater


“Grant me the boon of a life that is useful and earnest; the privilege of honest toil and well-earned rest; large hearted courage to cheer each faithful soul that strongly strives and wins or fails; kindly word and act for those who grieve; eyes to see the beauties that nature paints on land and sky and sea; ears to hear each music voice of life; senses to comprehend the meaning of the eternal plan; the confidence and trust of friends, more dear than glittering wealth or laurels rare or soon forgotten praise. Grant me these Father’s God and mine and when my summons sounds from out the sunset skies, I’ll go with hastening feet and joyous heart to tell Thee my gratitude for life.”

–Richard Hardy


“Caring enough to ensure that our students succeed.”


Nestled in a peaceful valley Columns rising high,
Stands our trusted Alma Mater Shaping all our lives

With a dream and creed to guide us Hawks will ever fly,
Pressing onward toward the future Soaring to the sky!

In the halls of Richard Hardy Memories we share,
Growing, learning, loving, laughing Always will be there.

With a dream and creed to guide us Hawks will ever fly,
Pressing onward toward the future Soaring to the sky!