Leo Club
About Us
Facilitator: Sonya Blevins
Our Mission

LEO Club is a youth organization of Lions Clubs International. LEO stands for Leadership, Experience and Opportunity. Members develop leadership qualities through service activities in the fields of health care, elderly care, children, literacy and education, self-development, and just community growth.
“LEO Clubs provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community.” -the Lions Clubs International website
We are working to build and encourage interaction in the Signal Mountain and Chattanooga communities.
What is Leo Club?
Leo Club is a chance to make a difference. Its initials stand for Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity. It is our goal to provide service opportunities for high school students in both our school and community.
What does Leo Club do?
We volunteer in our community in as many ways as possible! As Leo’s, we strive to provide service to anyone who is in need of aid.
How do I join?
Contact one of our officers, or drop by Mrs. Linette’s room, to pick up an application. The application requires parental consent, or you can sign up at our table on Registration Day at the beginning of our school year.
What kind of time commitment am I looking at?
Each member is required to complete 24 hours of community service by the end of their senior year. They are also required to attend at least two meetings per semester. All students must also complete 6 hours of service per year.
What kind of activities does Leo Club get involved with?
We get involved in all kinds of activities! Our biggest event of the year is Operation Christmas Child, where we ask for donations, and then purchase, items for the less fortunate children of all ages, in all parts of the world.
We also buy or handmake greeting cards for the seniors at our local nursing home and visit with them at least once a year.